The Month of the Heart of Winter

the new leaf of January is my Month!

Tag Archives: at the comfort of your home

spinach and three-cheese omelet

Spinach and Three-Cheese Omelet_1

I’m all by myself again yesterday, the house was all mine as early as 6am. Tho it’s quite lonesome to be alone on Sunday I’m getting used to it besides it’s becoming the perfect moment for my trivial me-times. 🙂

The remaining cold breeze in the morning pushes my body back to bed so I got up late, it’s permissible because I’m not cooking for anyone this time and I just need to cook my own food, no pressure on that. Other than I can’t help but missed the husband’s presence, even his annoying habit and our morning convo in bed. Well, I’m not spending the day in miserly, life goes on for me.

I wanted a good breakfast, a restaurant grade or even grandeur depending on what I currently have at home. I need to load up because I’m not planning to lunch anymore other than I don’t want to starve myself either while waiting for dinner. Eggs are good for breakfast, it’s so versatile because I can create more than 101 delicious ways with it and omelets are the best tho a tasty frittata would be much wanted if only I have a good skillet at hand. Now you know what to gift me next Christmas, I want a cast iron skillet from Gourdo’s. 😛

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Spinach and Three-Cheese Omelet,
Serves 2
3 large eggs
1 cup baby spinach leaves
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
1 slice (1oz) of sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes
Salt and pepper to taste

1.  In a bowl, beat the eggs, and stir in the baby spinach, parmesan, and cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Season with salt and pepper.

2.  In medium skillet/pan coated with canola or olive oil over medium heat, cook the egg mixture about 1 minute, until partially set. Flip with a spatula, and continue cooking for 1 minute. Reduce heat to low, and continue cooking for 2 minutes.

3.  Fold and Serve. Sprinkle omelet with cheese and pepper (optional). Fold omelet in half, allowing cheese to melt. Slide cooked omelet onto a wooden bread tray. Serve with loaf bread and forest ham of your choice.


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Mornings can’t be anywhere perfect except at the comfort of your own kitchen, the smell of breakfast and the happiness it brings. Sundays remains to be my love! ♥